Monday 10 March 2014

Why you should Get The Reflexology Healthy Life Mat TODAY!!

Modern civilization has done away with going about on bare foot, we hardly walk around on our bare foot even in the living room, this act would be considered as primitive by most people. Yet there are some benefits we stand to gain medically from engaging in such act. Scientifically, research has shown that remarkable health advantages such as increasing antioxidant, reducing inflammation and improving sleep are some of the benefits of earthing, that is walking on bare foot. A review published in the journal of environment and public health show how drawing electrons from the earth improves health.

Research has shown that all the organs of the body are connected to the foot, thus healthy life starts from the feet or healthy feet. Long life mat is a good alternative for walking bare foot

ed. Long life mat is a wonderful product of Green life herbal network. The long life mat is the feet massager, the different location on the feet are connected to the different organs or system of the human body, as you walk on the massager with bare foot, it consequently activates the nerves connecting to the various organs of the body, thereby helping the organs to be active and healthy.

Long life mat helps to improve the blood circulation in the body, it can also help normalize the blood pressure, stronger legs, better defecation and better sleep especially for people having issues with insomnia. It can aid the heart and lung function and refreshes all the body condition.

  • 10 minutes: Blood and Qi movement is better, You will feel relaxed and active.
  • 15 days: Blood pressure will be normal and stable, stronger legs, better defecation; energetic, and better sleep.
  • 30 days: Better heart and lung function, all your body condition will be refreshed. 

It can assist medicine to cure most of difficult diseases, like: Stroke, High BP, Heart Disease, Obesity, Liver Problem, Diabetes, Headache, Insomnia, Piles, Sexual Weakness, Kidney Problem……

Why is it so wonderful?

1. Different location on feet in connection with different organs or system in your body
2. Healthy-life Feet mas mat match precisely on the spots on the bottom of feet.

Usage: it is very flexible, you can do the massage anytime anyplace indoor, office, bedroom or living room. Just step on it, walk or mark or gently jump on it. One time for 10 to 30 minutes. Do as frequently as you can. 

Precautions: Pregnant women are not advised to use, bleeding patients can’t use it. Other severe patients and aged people should use under supervision. 

Specification: 175cm by 35cm

To order for the mat call +2347018006910 or email me on samsonkjohn01@gmail . It is a must have for every health minded family.


  1. Nice one there.currently using one and hopes to enjoy the health benefits esp.better sleep and bp regulate

  2. Thanks for sharing nice information about foot massager mat with us. i glad to read this post.
